Department of Physics and Information Systems

The department was set up in 2022 after the merger of the Department of Computer Science and Information Systems with the Department of Physics.


3, Stryiska Street, Drohobych, 82100 Ukraine

Наукові школи

  • Фізика напружених квантово-розмірних наногетеросистем (науковий керівник – професор Пелещак Р.М.)
  • Теорія електронних, діркових та екситонних станів у гетеросистемах з наноплівками, квантовими точками та квантовими дротами (наукова школа імені професора Бойчука В.І.)

The department trains highly qualified specialists with bachelor's and master's degrees in the following specialties:

First (bachelor) level of higher education

014 Secondary education (Physics and astronomy)
014 Secondary education (Computer Science)
122 Computer science
122 Computer science (3 years of study)

The second (master's) level of higher education

014 Secondary education (Physics and astronomy)
014 Secondary education (Computer Science)
104 Physics and astronomy (Computer physics)
122 Computer science

The third (educational and scientific) level of higher education

105 Applied physics and nanomaterials

The Department

Vitaliy Holskyi

Head of the department, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor

Ihor Stolyarchuk

Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Ihor Virt

Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Viktor Brytan

Associate Professor, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Tetyana Vdovychyn

Associate Professor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Ivan Hadzaman

Associate Professor, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Olesya Dankiv

Associate Professor, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Volodymyr Zhydyk

Senior lecturer

Dmytro Karpyn

Senior lecturer, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Taras Kobylynyk

Associate Professor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Oleh Kuzyk

Associate Professor, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Roman Leshko

Associate Professor, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Oleh Naum

Senior lecturer

Roman Pazyuk

Associate Professor, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Lyudmila Pankiv

Associate Professor, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Oksana Sikora

Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences

Yuriy Uhryn

Associate Professor, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Iryna Shakleina

Associate Professor, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Nadiya Shikh

Associate Professor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Roman Peleshchak

Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Ihor Bilinskyi

Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Ivan Nyshchak

Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences

Yuriy Pavlovskyi

Associate Professor, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Andriy Hryhorovych

Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences

Olha Harbych-Moshora

Associate Professor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Taras Kavetskyi

Associate Professor, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Andriy Popovych


Iнформацiйно-комунiкацiйнi технологiї
Інформаційно-керуючі системи та STEM-технології
STEM-технології у навчанні фізики у закладах загальної середньої освіти
Алгоритмiзацiя та програмування
Архітектура нейронних мереж та проблеми штучного інтелекту
Астрономiя та методика її викладання
Бази даних
Загальна фiзика
Захист iнформацiйних ресурсiв
Комп’ютерна схемотехніка та архітектура обчислювальних систем
Комп’ютерна графіка
Комп’ютерні мережi
Криптографія та криптоаналіз
Крос-платформне програмування
Методика і технології дистанційного навчання
Методика навчання iнформатики
Методика навчання фiзики
Об”єктно-орiєнтоване програмування
Основи вiзуалiзацiї та 3D-моделювання
Основи вебдизайну
Основи наукових дослiджень
Основи програмування мовою C#
Основи програмування мовою Python
Основи робототехніки
Основи сучасної електроніки
Основи технічного конструювання
Програмування мобiльних додаткiв
Системний аналіз
Теоретична фiзика
Технології Big Data і Data Science
Технології машинного навчання
Управління ІТ-проектами
Цифрові технології навчання інформатики
Шкільний курс інформатики

Scientific research work commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Culture

Photopolymer matrices and nanocarriers in the design of biosensors for monitoring the state of the environment and the quality of drinking water

Duration of the research topic: 2021-2023 рр.
State registration number: 0121U109539

Дослідження баричних властивостей квантових точок з багатошаровою оболонкою для біомедичних застосувань з використанням нейромережі

Duration of the research topic: 2022-2024 рр.
State registration number: 0122U000871

Scientific research work at the expense of Drohobych University

Growth and study of electrical, magnetic and optical properties of A2B6, A3B5 single crystals, oxyspinel materials and nanoheterostructures on their basis

Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Stolyarchuk I.D.
Duration of the research topic: 2021-2025.

A competent approach to teaching the basics of artificial intelligence at universities

Scientific supervisor: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Vdovychyn T.Ya.

Important scientific results obtained by the Department researchers:

  1. The Department of Physics was the first to have synthesized semiconductors from the CdxHg1-xTe solid solution system.
  2. For the first time, the phenomenon of negative photoconductivity in crystals of CdTe – ZnTe solid solutions was experimentally studied.
  3. For the first time, the scientists established photoelectric state formation regularities under the influence of an external field and its destruction in high-resistance photosensitive semiconductors A2B6.
  4. For the first time, magnetophonon resonance on the difference of phonons belonging to different modes of the crystal was experimentally detected in solid solutions of CdxHg1-xTe crystal.
  5. Complex studies of physical properties of semiconductors ZnTe, ZnxHg1-xTe, ZnxCd1-xTe were synthesized and carried out
  6. The regularities of the influence of electron-deformation effects on the optical and electrical properties of strained heterostructures with quantum dots have been established.
  7. The staff have developed a model of the architecture of a modified stochastic fully connected neural network in the form of a Hessenberg neural network with diagonal synaptic connections between sensory neurons and computational stochastic pseudospin neurons and established the regularity of the change in the setting time of synaptic connections between stochastic pseudospin neurons in the Hessenberg neural network relative to the setting time of synaptic connections between stochastic pseudospin neurons in a fully connected neural network.
  8. A three-layer artificial neural diagonalized network was developed for the approximation of two-dimensional functions. It is proved that the diagonalization operation can be used for simplified adjustment of the weight coefficients of synaptic connections in the neural network in the process of its learning due to changing the configuration of the network by excluding some existing connections between neurons and reducing the elements of the connection matrix between the vector of input signals and neurons.


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