When a good initiative and a good thing are combined in fruitful cooperation – useful and important projects always have a continuation!
That is why we are bringing to your attention the fourth FREE EUROPEAN online course “Physical and occupational therapy for children affected by hostilities and other emergency situations” prepared in partnership with House of Europe and Czech Centers – House of Europe
You will learn about key strategies for working with small patients and get acquainted with the most modern innovations and rehabilitation protocols in EU countries.
Who is the Course aimed at?
First of all, it is for children’s physical therapists and occupational therapists.
It will also be useful for:
FRM doctors, pediatricians, neonatologists, children’s orthopedists-traumatologists, children’s neurologists, interns and students.
What you will get:
10 powerful lectures from the best specialists in Europe, who will share European experience regarding innovative approaches to the rehabilitation of children affected in emergency situations, including military conflicts;
a certificate from international partners indicating the number of training hours;
presentation materials (in Ukrainian) with access to download;
Gain important knowledge! Registration via the link https://doctorthinking.org/courses/rehab-war/
Together, we will preserve the childhood and health of our children!
Thank you for the cooperation of the House of Europe and the Czech Center in Kyiv! We are sincerely glad that the common cause has become a good tradition!
The course was developed by the Czech Center in Kyiv / České centrum Kyjev within the House of Europe with the support of the European Union and the Doctor Thinking platform.


By vmp