1. General provisions

1.1. The library is a structural division of Ivan Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University, the purpose of which is to provide literature and information for the educational and scientific process at the university.

1.2. In its activities, the library is governed by the Constitution of Ukraine, the Laws of Ukraine “On Education”, “On Higher Education”, “On Libraries and Library Affairs”, normative acts, documents and instructions on library affairs of the governing bodies of higher education institutions of Ukraine, the University Statute, decisions of the rector’s office and these Regulations.

1.3. The general methodological management of the Library is carried out by the Scientific and Methodological Library Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

2. Tasks of the Library

2.1. Form the library fund in accordance with the profile of the University and the information needs of users, and store it.

2.2. To provide complete, high-quality and prompt library and bibliographic and information services for students, graduate students, professors and teaching staff, researchers, University employees and other categories of readers in accordance with their information requests based on wide access to library funds (in accordance with the Rules for the use of the Library).

2.3. To contribute to the education of a harmonious, morally perfect personality, aware of its civic duty, open to intellectual and creative development.

2.4. To popularize and reveal universal human values, historical, scientific and cultural heritage, ideas of national state-building through books and cultural and educational events.

2.5. To organize reference and information support with traditional and new means of information.

2.6. To teach users how to use books and the library and to nurture in them a careful attitude to sources of information.

2.7. To coordinate the activities of the Library with structural divisions and public organizations of the University.

2.8. Cooperate with university libraries, maintain ties with the diaspora, educational charitable foundations, organizations, institutions.

3. Content of the work

3.1. Information and library and bibliographic services for readers.

3.1.1. Organization of differentiated (individual and group) service for users on subscriptions, in reading rooms and other literature distribution points.

3.1.2. Free provision of basic library services to Library users.

3.1.3. Mutual use of library funds with the help of interlibrary subscription, internal and international book exchange.

3.1.4. The study of information needs for the provision of information requests of University scientists, using various forms and methods of individual, group and mass information.

3.1.5. Organization of the work of public informants of departments and scientific units of the University, providing them with methodical assistance.

3.1.6. Carrying out library and bibliographic references, conducting bibliographic reviews.

3.1.7. Dissemination of library and bibliographic knowledge through individual discussions, consultations and practical assistance.

3.2. Formation of the library fund in accordance with the plans, programs and needs of the University’s educational, research and cultural and educational work.

3.2.1. Analysis of provision and use of library funds with the aim of optimal use.

3.2.2. Implementation of book exchange in the prescribed manner.

3.2.3. Removal from library funds of documents that have lost relevance, scientific and industrial value, worn out, duplicate copies.

3.2.4. Organization of main and temporary funds of documents, record keeping, technical processing and their use.

3.3. Organization of preservation of library funds.

3.3.1. Rational placement of funds, their protection.

3.3.2. Checking of funds in accordance with current documentation.

3.4. Creation and maintenance of a system of library catalogs and bibliographic card files on traditional and modern media for the purpose of multifaceted bibliographic disclosure of the library fund.

3.4.1. Systematic improvement of the reference and information apparatus of the Library.

3.5. Conducting cultural, educational and educational work based on the popularization of library funds.

3.5.1. Conducting reading conferences, literary and musical evenings, debates, other educational events independently or jointly with the faculties and public organizations of the University.

3.6. Study, generalization and implementation of innovative library experience in work practice.

3.7. Systematic improvement of the professional, general educational and cultural level of library workers.

4. Management. Structure and staff.

Material and technical support

4.1. The Library is managed by a director who reports to the rector and is a member of the Academic Council

University. Elected by the Academic Council of the University for a term of five years.

4.2. The employees of the Library are appointed and dismissed by the order of the rector at the request of the director of the Library.

4.3. The structure and staff of the Library is approved by the Rector upon the proposal of the Director of the Library.

4.4. The Director, within the limits of his powers, is responsible for the organization of the Library’s work, the results of its financial and economic activities, the condition and preservation of the fund and other property.

4.5. The costs of maintaining the Library are provided for by the University’s cost estimate.

4.6. The University provides the Library with the necessary office and production premises, computer equipment, equipment and facilities.

4.7. It is forbidden to use the premises of the Library for works not provided for by its tasks.

4.8. The rules for using the Library are approved by the Rector of the University.

4.9. Plans and reports on the work of the Library are approved by the Rector of the University.

4.10. Library employees are responsible for the preservation of the library fund and the property of the Library in accordance with the current legislation.

4.11. In order to coordinate the activities of the Library with the educational and scientific work of the University, the Library Council is established as an advisory body, which includes both representatives of the faculties and leading specialists of the Library. The composition of the Council is approved by the Rector upon the proposal of the Director of the Library.

4.12. Library workers must have a special library or other higher education in accordance with the profile of the University.

4.13. The mode of operation of the Library is established by the Rector in accordance with the University’s internal work schedule.

4.14. In order to preserve the library funds, comply with sanitary and hygienic standards and requirements for occupational health and safety of the Library employees, a sanitary day is held once a month.

5. Rights and obligations

5.1. The library has the right to:

5.1.2. Determine the content of the forms of their activity depending on the tasks specified in the Regulations on the Library.

5.1.3. To represent the University in various institutions and organizations, to participate directly in the work of conferences, meetings, seminars on issues of library and information-bibliographic activities.

5.1.4. Familiarize yourself with the curricula, programs and topics of scientific research work of the University. To receive from its structural subdivisions the materials and information necessary to solve the tasks set before the Library.

5.1.5. To develop the structure, staffing schedule of the Library, to carry out the selection and placement of personnel in the prescribed manner.

5.1.6. Obtain for permanent storage a mandatory copy of all publications of the University and its divisions.

5.2. Library employees have the right to:

5.2.1. For support from the University in the organization of professional development, creation of the necessary conditions for self-education.

5.2.2. For introduction to various forms of encouragement, awards, distinctions, which are provided for education and culture workers.

5.2.3. For annual leave in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Leave” for a working year and additional leave (up to seven calendar days) in accordance with the collective agreement between employees and the University.

5.3. Library workers are responsible for:

5.3.1. Performance of labor duties in accordance with labor regulations

in Ukraine and the collective agreement of the University.

5.3.2. Preservation of library funds in accordance with current legislative acts.

5.4. Library employees, through whose fault damage has been caused to the library fund, bear financial responsibility in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.

5.5. The library is obliged to:

5.5.1. Serve users in accordance with the rules of using the Library.

5.5.2. Not to use information about Library users and their reading interests for any purpose (except scientific) without their consent.

5.5.3. Report on your work to the Academic Council of the University.

Director of the library I.M. Rozlutsky